Google Labs
Google Labs
Have you taken a visit lately to the excitement of Google Labs? After you read the terms, take a glance toward the upper left corner and click on Lively 3-D Chat! Chatting, Blogs and Social Networks Everywhere ;)
Lively Google Chat 3D
Lively Google Chat 3D
“Create an avatar and chat with your friends in rooms you design”
Create your own virtual space
Chat and interact with your friends in rooms you design
Express yourself
Customize your avatar and stream personal photos and video
Add your room to your site
Invite your friends to chat and help decorate
Lively 3D Chat is going to be too much fun, Visit Today ;)
I am Wavecritterz for now, soon to sign in as Wavecritter Tho ‘)
Find Stevie aka Surfpiccasso ;)
Stephanie and Stevie Haile aka Wavecritter and Blogheiress Google Me ;)
Your Guest Can Be Your Megaphone
Learn how to have a clear plan for each guest to help grow your audience.
Be a Top Notch Broadcaster Being a radio broadcaster opens many doors,
6 years ago
Liven up at Lively Googles 3D Chat Avatar creation coolness :)
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